Mark Jacobs Graph Plotter

Combine multiple functions to obtain thorough math expressions and plot the result in the blink of an eye with the possibility to export results

A plot is a graphical technique for representing a set of data, usually as a graph showing the relationship between two or more variables. 
Originally, plots were drawn by hand or by a mechanical or electronic plotter. Mark Jacobs Graph Plotter is a software application that helps you achieve just that.

An app that you can get running immediately

The app can be used without the need to go through setup, meaning it doesn't affect any system registries and, give its portable nature, can be used from a detachable media such as a disk or a USB.
The UI is pretty straightforward: you have eight brackets where you can input your desired values, three brackets that determine the limits of your graph ( the "X' vector) and two buttons that let you choose what to do with the created plot (either print or save)

An app that can be useful in a variety of scientific fields

Graphs are a visual representation of the relationship between variables; they can be helpful for anyone who can quickly derive an understanding which would not come from lists of values. 
All these considered, Mark Jacobs Graph Plotter is useful for instantly creating plots as long as you input the correct values. Using all of the functions isn't a requirement as you can uncheck any that are relevant to you.
Before trying out the app, you can get a general idea of how it works by pressing the "Random" button, which will randomly insert values and assign or unassign various functions, just so that you may get a general idea of how the graph would look like.

An overall good graph plotting tool

Mark Jacobs Graph Plotter isn't you're everyday app that anyone could use on a daily basis, but for the few that could find use of it, it comes as a simple application that creates plots which are easy to interpret
377 KB
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Created By
Mark Jacobs
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