
Simulate spectra calculations with this application that allows users to export projects to several formats, including JCAMP-DX or Sparky

Physics and Chemistry simulators and analyzers have benefited greatly from the increase in digital tools. As domains with complicated computations and where quantitative methods prevail, the power of modern processors is badly needed.

Analyze single or multiple spectra documents in any format

Among the programs that translate researchers needs to computers is iNMR, a spectra analysis suite specialized in simulating complex calculations. The application can load any files resulted from spectrometer analyses. As such, there are no file-type masks and users are free to open documents with any extensions.
Specifically, one can read data from many commonly used professional standards, including JCAMP-DX, Bruker, GE or CARA-Xeasy. One of the great features of this analyzer is the ability to batch process entire directories, via the “Open Folder” menu option.

Employ Lua for advanced and customized scripts

Once valid files are loaded, the program allows users 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D processing, as well as linear predictions or reference deconvolution operations. Source documents are accompanied by informative graphs, which can be exported to most common pictures formats, including PNGs, JPGs, and BMPs.
Users who require even more power will find the scripting function of the program highly appealing. This is performed by accessing the console, which is also a great method of avoiding cluttering the interface. The supported scripting language is Lua and a generous online help manual is available for guidance.

The programs simulates spectra calculations based on raw spectrometer dump files

To sum up, iNMR is a comprehensive and powerful tool for chemists and physicians working in the field of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance analyses.
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