Windows Package Manager Manifest Creator Preview

An official Microsoft application for developers who wish to manage packages and manifest files that have to be generated from scratch or updated on the go

Windows Package Manager Manifest Creator (or in short, wingetcreate) is a system helper for developers and users who need to update and generate new manifest files (authoring manifests).
At the same time, it is important to get at the bottom of things regarding manifest files and what they do. A Microsoft Manifest file represents a piece of data, in an XML format, that describes and references the assemblies needed for an application to optimally perform at runtime.
As such, the current instrument, Windows Package Manager Manifest Creator, will help developers, testers, documentation creators, and others who wish to use a fast program that allows them to create, update, and eventually submit manifest files for their programs.
wingetcreate comes in various formats — as an installer bundle, in a self-contained environment (accessible via its corresponding executable), or as a standalone instrument. It is also important to take into account that before you start using wingetcreate, you must install Microsoft .NET Core Runtime on your environment.
This package manager and updater also has straightforward commands like 'New,' 'Update,' 'Submit,' 'Settings,' 'Cache,' etc. These CLI instructions have, as shown, intuitive scripting methods and help create new manifest files, updating existing pieces, managing GitHub access tokens, editing existing files configurations, and much more. Ultimately, for beginners, there is the '-?' command that enables CLI help for easily getting started with Windows Package Manager Manifest Creator.

System requirements

72.8 MB
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Version Preview
MIT License
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