Headless Recorder


Seamlessly create Puppeteer-ready scripts by recording the clicks, inputs and other actions you do in the browser using this extension

In the eventuality that you need to do several repetitive tasks on a daily basis and want to parallelize workloads at the same time, then you should consider creating automated scripts for your browsers. Google came to the aid of users with the launch of an API dubbed Puppeteer, but unfortunately creating the code can be sometimes troublesome.
Headless Recorder is a Chrome extension that can lend a hand with generating the scripts. To put it simply, the addon records your browser interactions and produces a Puppeteer script you can use for with your scraping tool.

Simply record and paste the script to clipboard

Since it is a Chrome extension, it goes without saying that you need to have the browser installed on your computer. The adddon can be accessed from the upper right corner as usual. You can get started by hitting the Record button and then hitting the tab button after you finish typing in an input element.
In case you need to take a break at any moment, you can easily access the Pause button and then Resume, when you want to continue. For the utility to work properly, it needs the page to be fully loaded, case in which the Record button become Wait.
After you are done, you can preview the generated code and you have the option to copy it to clipboard. In case you have several recordings you did not use yet, then you can rename them and access them later on.

A handy tool for anyone who needs help with generating  Puppeteer scripts

As the developer points out, the utility is still in Alpha phase and hence, you should not expect the code to be perfect. Nevertheless, if you want relatively simpler scripts to help you out with monotonous scraping tasks, then it is can be helpful.
All in all, Headless Recorder is an easy to use application that records and then generates scripts for which you can further tweak the code.