GDL Editor

1.3.22 Beta

Guideline editor for clinical decision making that allows you to edit and create GDL files so that you can make the best decisions

As the name implies, GDL Editor is a tool dedicated to managing GDL files, which is known as the formal language used in clinical knowledge. To put it simply, these files can include valuable information such as descriptions, rules, forms and other terminology, for instance, that allow you to take the right decisions.
It is worth mentioning that the tool can leverage openEHR Reference Model and Archetype Model which is typically defined as an archetype that is original, a prototype or a typical specimen. When analyzing the data, the archetype is the model for capturing clinical information and can be considered a computable definition. The idea here is to create a broad definition that includes numerous elements that make sense from a clinical point of view and that maximizes interoperability. Therefore, the archetypes can be reused across many types of healthcare specialties and branches.
You can find the same principle within the interface of the application that consists of two main areas. On the left side, you can add details about the authorship, keywords and contributors, whereas the right panel allows you to add descriptions, purposes, use, misuse and other relevant references. The program is also capable of displaying the archetype dependency in a graph.

System requirements