

Make code coverage easy when you are working on Eclipse so that you can benefit from faster development and testing cycles via this plug-in

EclEmma is a handy Java code coverage tool specially designed for Eclipse that can simplify the way you develop apps and test them. Designed having the EMMA Java code coverage tool in mind, the plug-in has the role of adopting its philosophy for the Eclipse workbench.
To put it simply, the utility adds a so-called Launch Mode to Eclipse that works similarly to the already existing Run and Debug mode. The aforementioned mode is known as Coverage and, as its name implies, it has the role of collecting coverage data about your code. According to the developer, the app can launch several types of launches, including local Java, Eclipse, Equinox, Scala as well as various tests like TestNG, JUnit or SWTBot.
Following the through analysis performed by the Coverage mode, the information is displayed for each test or app launched in the Eclipse Workbench. The data presented is quite detailed and allows drilling-down to the method level for Java projects. In addition, the Java code source is highlighted so that it is evident which lines are fully, partially or not covered. It goes without saying that you have control over the type of information to be displayed. Therefore, based on the project, the app can show instructions, branches, lines, methods or types.

System requirements

2.4 MB
Update Date
Eclipse Public License
Created By
Marc R. Hoffmann
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