Debug Diagnostic Tool

A complex and reliable application that helps you troubleshoot certain problems and issues regarding Win32 non-specific or native processes

As more and more applications are developed, your computer tends to be more vulnerable to logical bugs and crashes that may occur during runtime. Fortunately, software solutions such as Debug Diagnostic Tool can help you determine the cause of system freezes, slow performance, memory fragmentation or leaks, then troubleshoot them in order to find a solution.
The application requires .Net Framework installed on your computer so that it may run smoothly and without errors.

Sturdy and intuitive troubleshooting tool that supports user-defined handlers

Debug Diagnostic Tool can assist you in debugging your computer, by troubleshooting any problem caused by system errors, freezes or crashes. It collects and analyzes information about any system abnormality, such as memory leaks or fragmentation, then attempts to find a solution to your problem.
Furthermore, you can use the utility to create custom rules and handlers for performance issues or system crashes. This way, you can debug and repair applications that your system might not detect as causing issues, although they do.
Additionally, you have the possibility to activate and deactivate these rules as you please, so that you can stop them whenever you are not using the application that triggers the handler.

Reliable and dependable debug utility with user-friendly interface

Debug Diagnostic Tool can provide you with detailed information about each active process, regardless of its characteristics or permissions. By doing so, you have the possibility to view details about process PIDs, session ID, along with the virtual and private memory occupied.
By using these details, the application can collect event logs for each process, then analyze it and determine if any problem or issue needs repairing.

A complex and powerful system debugger

Debug Diagnostic Tool helps you keep your operating system running at optimal capacity by solving any issues or problems that might occur during an application’s runtime.
27.3 MB
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