ConvertAll Portable


Combine and convert unit types and calculate new measurements without too much hassle using this simple and straightforward tool

ConvertAll Portable is an application that can convert between any unit types. Needless to say, this type of tool comes in handy to just about anyone.
Since this is a portable software, installation is not required. So, you can place ConvertAll Portable on a removable device, plug it into a computer and directly run its executable file. More importantly, your Windows registry entries will not be changed.
The program comes with a standard, user-friendly interface in which you can write the source and output unit, after selecting it from the list.
Furthermore, you can multiply, divide, square and cube a number, as well as clear the units and use recent ones. But you can also use a unit finder to filter unit types, in order to replace entries with new ones.
In "Options" you can enable ConvertAll to use scientific notation and fixed decimal places, set the background and text color, hide operator buttons, and more.
The simple-to-use program requires a very low amount of system resources, includes a comprehensive help file for both novices and advanced users, and didn't freeze, crash or pop up errors during our tests. Besides the very plain interface, we strongly recommend ConvertAll Portable to all users.