PortableApps Platform (PortableApps Suite)


Accessible and easy-to-use portable software menu, app store, backup utility, automatic updater and application management system

PortableApps Suite is a multi-language collection of portable applications integrated in a single menu that you can use to run directly from your USB drive or other portable devices.

Multiple handy apps

The suite installs different software on your computer, all portable. Among these, you can find a web browser, an email client, an instant messaging program, various Office tools, as well as some games. The advantage is that you have every one of these utilities at your disposal, without having to install each one separately.
Moreover, all the programs are included in a single menu that practically represents the main window of PortableApps Suite and acts as an application launcher, so easy access is definitely not a problem.

Organize data on your portable device

If you want to have other portable programs in your list, you have the possibility to install new ones and integrate them in the menu.
In addition to this, the menu also includes 'Music', 'Pictures' and 'Videos' folders that you can use to organize your multimedia files on your portable device just like you do on your PC.

Features backup support

One other advantage that this application brings to the table is the possibility to back files up on your portable device using the built-in backup utility. Performing a backup job is easy, as you have to follow a few simple steps, guided by a wizard. You can select to perform a complete backup or a custom one, as well as the compression mode.
Also, the program enables you to check your portable drive for errors. It displays the file system type and then verifies the files and allows you to view the errors it detects.
The menu that this program displays can be customized according to your preferences, as you can set its transparency and the font dimension.

Handy portable app manager

PortableApps Suite is a useful program that offers you the possibility to have the most used applications at your disposal wherever you go. You can carry your web browser with all your favorite bookmarks, edit your documents with the portable office suite, run virus and errors scans and store your passwords and account information, all from a portable device.