Tournament Software


An application that allows you to add participants and create duel tournaments by randomizing the matches between the players involved

This application provides an easy way to create custom 1v1 tournaments, so that you and your friends can compete with each other in duel based games.
Tournament Software is a newly developed app that has a simple interface, and, although it comes with just a few buttons, it provides enough tools to do the job that it was built for.

Organize your battles to come

The tournament format could enhance the competition a bit more when playing a game with your friends, either locally or online.
And instead of writing all the players and matches on a piece of paper, you can use Tournament Software to simplify the process, so you can focus on the game itself.

Simple to set up the matches

Before anything else, you need to add the names of the participants one by one, which will then they appear in a list, on the right side of the interface.
In case you add too many players or input the wrong name for some, you have the possibility to quickly delete and re-add them individually, without messing up the whole list.
After everything is ready, you only need to press the Extract Duels button, which will randomly generate the 1v1 matches in the left panel.
You will have to click again for each matchup, as the program will not generate them all at once. This might be seen as a nuisance by some, especially if there are many matches to generate, but on the bright side, this can also bring suspense for the participants when creating the tournament.

Could use a few more features

Although it does offer a way to edit duels from the list, the app could be even better if it had more ways to customize the tournaments.
For example, a feature to use matchups based on seeding, so that certain players, who prove to be more experienced, won't be able to face each other until the later stages of a tournament.
But with all that said, Tournament Software does what it says without a problem, and can turn out to be a helping hand when it comes to creating tournaments or 1v1 duels, as it lets you focus on the important part instead of managing the matches.