Mimo: Learn to Code


Mimo is a platform that helps you learn some of the most popular programming languages to start developing your Android or iOS apps, games, and websites. Read more about Mimo: Learn to Code  

The mobile solution addresses many categories of people and their needs, starting with those who intend to acquire information and master programming languages like Python, Kotlin, JavaScript, SQL, Swift Java, C#, C++, Ruby, R, PHP and more.
It also aims to help users who plan to advance their career or get an IT job. Whether they want to automate tasks, understand cybersecurity, become web developers or build Android and iOS apps or games, the software provides the right educational modules to let them accomplish their goals.
All courses contain multiple chapters and very well-organized exercises to fit perfectly into your daily schedule. At the end of each stage, you have to take a short quiz to prove that you understand the most significant information. Take the test several times if you did not get the maximum score in the first attempt, collect achievements and track your progress.
Only introductory lessons are free of charge. To access the following modules, you need to upgrade your account.