Color Palette

Color Palette is a solution that lets you extract hues from pictures, copy RGB or hexadecimal codes, create gradients, and download information to the local storage. Read more about Color Palette  

The app aims to be a reliable companion for web developers, programmers, graphic designers, artists, and other users who want to create custom color palettes for their projects. It enables them to generate dozens of hues in a flash within a straightforward interface and save any option that suits their requirements.
Users get the chance to work with a set of intuitive sliders, whether they want to create gradients or solid colors. They can adjust the strength of red, green, and blue based on personal preferences, preview the result on the fullscreen, and copy RGB or hexadecimal codes right away.
Moreover, the Android software lets users extract colors from pictures. The process takes only a few seconds, no matter if they choose to import images from the local storage or take new photos at that time. However, it is worth mentioning that the number of hues they get in the end varies from one picture to another.
Additionally, the app lets users play on a color wheel, find complementary shades, bookmark their favorite options, download cards to prevent losing those custom mixes, and share the output with others.