Fit! - Fitness Tracker


Fit! is an application that monitors all your daily steps, physical activities and calorie consumption based on your phone movement. Read more about Fit! - Fitness Tracker  

First of all, after downloading and installing the mobile solution, you have to reveal a batch of personal information, such as gender, height, weight and year of birth. Then set a goal, measured in time or calories burned, and start enjoying the app’s features.
The software not only counts the minutes you spend running, cycling and walking, but also tracks all other forms of energy consuming activities. It adopts the NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) concept and recognizes the fact that the human body consumes calories even when you are not exercising.
Stand up as long as you can, clean up your house, wash the dishes and play with your kids to burn as many calories as possible towards your goal.
See how many minutes you spent today running, cycling, walking or doing NEAT tasks, and how many calories you burned, on instantly updating charts. Analyze weekly reports and get detailed statistics on any previous day.