Learn Java


Learn Java from SoloLearn is a powerful application that gives users the tools they need to pick up one of the most used programming languages in the world. Read more about Learn Java  

Learning Java might seem like a difficult task, but that’s not really the case, especially if you’re the right tools. Learn Java is more than just a simple app; it’s a tool that gives users the right tools for picking up the programming language.
Learn Java offers a series of tutorials that cover pretty much all of the required topics, including Variables, Operators, Conditional Statements, Loops, Arrays, Classes and Objects, Encapsulation, Polymorphism, and Inheritance, Abstract Classes and Interfaces, Anonymous and Inner Classes, Exception Handling, Lists, HashMaps, Sets, Threads, and many others.
The interface is clear, easy to use, and it blends exercises with theory in a way that’s not difficult to learn, even for beginners.