Timestamp - Pomodoro Technique | Time Recorder


Timestamp is an app that lets anyone track daily tasks accurately, monitor breaks, define custom projects, listen to relaxing sounds, and check statistics regarding their productivity. Read more about Timestamp - Pomodoro Technique | Time Recorder  

The Pomodoro technique is one of the most popular time management methods in history. It divides work or study sessions into 25-minutes intervals separated by 5-minute breaks to boost focus and efficiency. Timestamp is a mobile solution that implements this strategy. It plans to be a trustworthy companion for anyone aiming to monitor the time they spend each day performing specific activities.
The app is not at all complicated to use. It has a straightforward design and lets users launch the built-in timer as soon as they reach the main interface. Additionally, it gives them the chance to create multiple projects and choose a different color for each undertaking. After making these configurations, they must select the suitable activity when the timer stops to analyze their habits correctly.
Likewise, the Android software lets users monitor breaks and adjust the duration of their focus and rest sessions with just a few taps. It also gives them the chance to explore statistics regarding their behavior on the last day, week, month, or year. Furthermore, they can listen to relaxing sounds while concentrating on specific tasks, switch to the dark mode, and change the color theme.