
fooView is a tool that makes the access to your favorite apps and actions a lot simpler and much more intuitive. Read more about fooView  

The developers of fooView point out that sometimes it takes many steps to take an action that should take us much less time. The problem is the inherited method of accessing the Android system and mobile devices in general. fooView proposes a change in the paradigm by introducing a couple of new concepts.
First of all, fooView is described as a magic floating button, and that true for the most part. It provides quick access to all of the important apps and functions in the OS from a single point on the screen, but that’s not the interesting part.
Depending on the location and the app being used, fooView lets people perform selections with the finger that can diverge to various results. For example, you can drag and select a certain region when you’re using the camera app and only that zone will be captured. Also, you can translate a text with the same method, and there are quite a few uses for this specific action.