Windows 10 Start menu Fix


A simple software utility that can try to fix issues related to the Windows 10 start menu, in case you cannot open it or perform searches

The subject of a controversy back when Windows 8 was launched with its Start Screen alternative, the start menu remains a loved feature that came back to Windows 10 upon user request. 
It remains the tool to use when trying to find anything on your computer or run various tasks. Therefore, a frozen or non-working start menu can cause a lot of frustration, as it makes it almost impossible to interact with the machine. Unfortunately, the start menu has been the subject of several reported issues from the users’ part. If you are experiencing a bug that prevents the start menu from working as it should, you can try to fix it using an unofficial, dedicated application called Windows 10 Start menu Fix. 

Attempts to repair the Windows 10 start menu 

Windows 10 Start menu Fix addresses certain situations but it cannot fix all the problems related to the start menu. For instance, it can try to restore the functions of the start menu if you fail to open it or if the search bar is not working as it should. Additionally, it can try to fix problems related to Store apps that fail to launch. 

Tells you if it can help or not 

Working with the application is pretty easy, as no configuration is required. As Windows 10 Start menu Fix tool is launched, it starts performing a system check to see if it finds errors that it can address. If it does, it notifies you and prompts you to press a button to begin the repair process. On the other hand, if it doesn’t, it displays suggestions on how to find different workarounds to your problems.

A no-guarantee fixer for the Windows 10 start menu 

Windows 10 Start menu Fix does not offer any guarantee that It can restore the full functionality of your computer’s start menu but that does not mean it is not worth a try. Hopefully, it can find a solution to your problem and have your computer’s start menu up and running normally once again.