White Lynx Word Maker


Create new words with this genetic algorithm-based app that allows you to add a parent string and define the number of permutations

Whether trying to generate a random password for an archive or simply experimenting with permutations and parent-child character derivations, manually writing all the possible combinations for a random word family can be tedious. White Lynx Word Maker will help make things easier and it will provide users an effective way of generating random character permutations, with customizable input parameters.

Data-in, data-out, it’s as simple as that

This Java-based app requires no special setup process and right after its deployment, it will enable users to input their preferred string for generating “children” words. Having established the main, “parent” string, it’s as simple as hitting “Enter” and the results will be displayed instantaneously.
Furthermore, one can choose the number of permutations that the app will provide, this way making things far easier, especially when wanting to keep results to a narrower spectrum.

Missing export or saving functions could be bothering more demanding users

Although the program provides flawless operation and instantaneous results, one of the most prominent features that are missing are exporting capabilities. What good is having all the results displayed so quickly if one needs to write them or take a screen-shot for safe-keeping?
Even a basic, context-menu, copy feature would have been beneficial to the app’s overall functionality, enabling users to save the generated words for further use.
Interesting word-generator app that can return as many results as permutations available in an instant
If you’re looking for a fast way of generating random words using character permutations that derive from an initial, “parent” word, this app can get you covered. Although it’s missing basic features such as saving or exporting functions, it provides a decent job at rendering new random words, even allowing users to define the preferred number of permutations.