USB Config


Take more control of your USB ports in order to avoid any threats that might be entering your PC through this route, restricting or permitting access only as you see fit

USB Config is all about offering users more control over their machine's USB ports. It might look simple, and in fact, it is pretty basic, but the options it offers are helpful indeed. Since we live in a world where information is passed from one computer to the other instantly, where keeping track of what comes from where is more and more difficult, it is advisable for all PC users to have some way of protecting their machines.
One way to secure the main point of entry for data on any PC is this application. It provides everybody with a way to shut off or at least restrict the functionality of USB ports. All one has to do is launch the app, choose to enable or disable the ports, or alternatively make attached removable drives read-only. In terms of mechanics, this app is easy to understand.
Protecting your USB ports should be a priority if you can't keep track of how many devices have dumped information into your machine this particular way, and even more so if you can't seem to cope with your PC getting infected all the time. This app provides a simple fix that might just fix your problem.