
Employ this comprehensive simulator for pitulary-thyroid homeostatis that comes with various applications in research and education

Medical progress is tightly connected with the development of technology since relying on capable equipment is critical when trying to do research. Endocrinology and thyroidology make no exception to this rule, especially since these are medical branches that have been intensively studied, with further progress expected in the following years as well.
For professionals working in the field, a software utility such as SimThyr could prove of great interest since it is capable of carrying out comprehensive simulations involving the human thyroid homeostatis.
First and foremost, it is worth mentioning that SimThyr is a piece of software addressing mainly users working in research, with an example in this regard being the development of hypoteses. Apart from that, the program’s educational purposes are obvious, with biology and medicine students being the target this time around. Besides, nurses and patients could also benefit from such an application.
As said, the pitulary thyroid feedback control is the tool’s main focus since it makes studying the relationship between the structure and behavior thyroid homeostatis possible. To be more specific, the hormone levels are analyzed in the context of the intercausal network’s architecture.
Users should be aware that SimThyr relies on a parametrically isomorphic model of the overall system. Simulations can run within the parameters you select, with the possibility of indicating the time interval of the study.
What’s more, exporting your simulation scenarios and preferences as XML files is possible so that you subsequently resort to them in other educational environments. At the same time, simulation results can be stored as CSV and DIF files.
3.6 MB
Update Date
BSD License
Created By
Johannes W. Dietrich
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