Random Generator


An application made specifically for Dungeon Masters in D&D, that assists them with deciding for what should happen within their game in every possible situation

Being a dungeon master in D&D is no easy task. It may give you the feeling of being superior to the other players, given that you basically control the game, but you have a ton of things to look after.
A DM must have a thorough understanding of all the rules, prepare each game session and act as an author, director, and referee for a campaign.
While learning everything is something the person must do on their own, Random Generator can help with the decision-making.

How it helps you

As a dungeon master, you have a lot of thinking and deciding to do before and during the game. You must design a world where the adventures take place, come up with different scenarios and decide what effects the players' actions have.
And this is where the program comes in handy. Instead of spending hours trying to imagine your personalized world or being unsure about what happens when a character does something, you can decide with a simple click.

It covers everything

Random Generator has 15 areas where it can help you with deciding what will happen, including battles, encounters, taverns, shops, landmarks, and villages.
For example, if a PC gets into close combat with an NPC, you can click on the Melee Fumble button to determine what happens after the brawl is over.
Or if you need to come up with a location, just press the Villages button and it will instantly give you details like a name, population, their traded goods, and the number of farmers, laborers, thieves, merchants, paupers, and artisans.

Why think of everything on your own?

A good DM should have vast knowledge about the game, be very creative and possess an ordered, logical mind. But that doesn't mean they have to think of everything by themselves, especially when they have Random Generator available.