

Connect to and display up to 16 Android devices in a single session and check out how your game is performing or acting on different devices via this tool

QtScrcpy is a lightweight utility that provides a straightforward way to display and control Android devices in real time. It is important to note that the connection with the Android devices is established via USB or TCP/IP and hence, you do need to root your device. At the same time, you should bear in mind that the requirements for running the app is Android API 21 or Android 5.0.
The idea behind the tool is to enable mobile game designers during the development process, especially since a single instance with the tool can support up to 16 connections simultaneously. With every instance, you are able to control the different variables such as lightness, performance, quality, low latency, low startup time and intrusiveness, to make sure that nothing is left on the device following the uninstall.
According to the developer, the app enables you to use custom scrips – that you create yourself or grab from various places – to map the keyboard and mouse actions. Therefore, you can customize the gaming experience via touches and clicks based on the nature of the game as well as your needs and preferences. On a side note, the application solely include a script for TikTok and PUBG mobile, by default.