Gramps Portable


Keep track of an individual\'s past or understand how one\'s come to exist in a certain area or situation by analyzing and adding relevant information to this genealogy program

Gramps Portable is a cute name for a very useful app that can help one note the genealogy of a certain individual. The idea with this program is that it only makes sense if you're interested in this kind of research. While we can admit that researching your past and understanding how you've come to be in the present is of the utmost importance, not everybody shares this view. As a result, this app might be considered less important to some.

An aid for professionals

With its developed interface that sports many entries and/or options to add and create a complete tree of one's existence, there really is no doubt that it can be used as a trustworthy tool by historians and archaeologists, or other professionals of this caliber. The portability factor turns this already helpful app into something that should be on the USB sticks of all people trying to uncover their past.
It makes for an even greater aid because you can add new information on-the-go, without risking the loss of information while returning to base. Entries include the obvious People, Relationships, Families but also less common ones like Events, Places, Citations, and Media or Notes. The idea is to create an authentic historic compilation of the evolution of one person. Important or not, the end result should be thorough and this app doesn't really mess with this concept.

Useful for amateurs as well

What remains remarkable about this app in its installable or portable rendition is the fact that it manages to be adequate for professionals and curious people just starting up. The interface is accessible. You're not forced to complete each and every particular entry. You can go as far as you'd like or as far as you feel you can.
Furthermore, you can keep track of places your ancestors have come from, or simply create a diagram explaining how one individual came to be in the present. You can combine these for a full report on your family's evolution or resume to having just a few words about the past. The app will keep track, however, of how much data you've added, allowing you to understand what might be of relevance in creating an even clearer picture about the past.
Gramps Portable is an interesting application dedicated to individuals who love to dig up history and understand the way it has unfolded up to the present. It's also great for research or any other professional endeavor experts might be up to.