Portable DeepGit

4.2 Build 8001

Designed for users of Git clients, this install-free application makes it possible to track changes and identify the origin of the lines in a repository

Portable DeepGit is designed to work in the favor of Git users, providing a tool that can work alongside the Git client to trace changes in the repository and find the origin of particular source code sections.

Analyzes files and commits from a local Git repository

Using Portable DeepGit should not be difficult, but note that the application cannot be linked to an online repository. As such, the repository of your project must be first cloned and downloaded using Git. Only the locally stored copy of the repository can be browsed using Portable DeepGit.
Individual files in the repository can be analyzed with Portable DeepGit, which displays the corresponding commits within its main window. Changes from contributors can be browsed in the Blame view, which also reveals a list of all the project's components.

Discover the origin of your lines of code

Portable DeepGit searches for the origin of a line, displaying a list of all the possible candidates and highlighting the most-likely one. Moreover, all the changes a specific line has suffered between commits are also revealed. This way, contributors to the project can find out in which of the commits a particular line of code was introduced.
The best origin candidate is further analyzed, going through the same process. Portable DeepGit enables you to explore commits and find changes, practically investigating the origin of the origin.

Lets you analyze the origin of code lines in your project

The main purpose of Portable DeepGit is to assist you in finding the commit in which a specific part of the project was submitted. It is a handy tool for those who like being very thorough and keep track of all the files in their Git projects.
As an additional advantage, as the portable edition of DeepGit, this application does not require installation and doesn't affect the system's registry, nor does it leave other traces on the computer it is deployed on.