Paranoid Shield


A program that helps you secure your credentials, create random passwords with its inbuilt generator and also backup your stored information

Given how much technology has advanced over the years, a lot of our crucial information is now also or, in some cases, exclusively available digitally.
Pretty much all of it is password-protected, but are your credentials secured at all? To stay extra safe about it, you should use a password manager, and Paranoid Shield is a good example of one.

All your credentials in one place

This easy-to-use program is a great method of keeping all your login information in one secure place, saving you from having to memorize tens or hundreds of accounts and passwords. Everything you store is also secured through AES 256 encryption.
Whenever you are creating an entry, it lets you give it a title, add its website (if needed), your username (and a secondary one, if available), and, of course, the password. In case there is anything extra you would like to mention about the entry, you can also leave a note on it.

Other functions

One nice thing about Paranoid Shield is that it comes with an inbuilt password generator. You no longer need to bash your head against the wall while trying to come up with a secure code.
Just set the length and the character types it should contain, then the program will create a random password for you. Not only is it safer, but you also don't need to use any third-party app for this purpose.
If there are any details that you want to remember, regardless of them being related to your credentials, you can also leave notes in the application. And with it only being accessible by entering the master password, you can be sure no one else will be able to see them.
Also, if you want to store away the information you've secured through Paranoid Shield, you have the option of backing it up. This way you will be able to move if from one device to another if needed.

Stay secure

With hacking methods becoming more and more diverse and unnoticeable, it is crucial for you to keep your credentials secured. And if you have not yet decided what to use for this, then I can assure you this program is a good choice.