Multi-Touch Vista

A user input management layer that handles input from various devices, including, but not limited to Multiple Mice, TUIO and Touch Lib

Multi-Touch Vista is designed to act as a user input management layer that handles input from various devices for the purpose of normalizing it against the scale and rotation of the target window. Simply put, the role of the program is to enable standard application to be scaled and rotated via a multi-touch style. Moreover, the app provides the framework to build WPF apps.
Getting started entails starting the main service, operating that can be completed via Command Line or PowerShell, depending on your operating system. Once the main service is started, the configuration file can be accessed and preview the available devices for the current computer. For instance, the app can detect MultipleMice and therefore, users can manage inputs from multiple mice.
Despite the name, the tool works with Windows 7 in addition to Windows Vista. The reason for this stems from the fact that the release of .NET 4 Framework includes the WPF 4.0 with Windows 7 driver. The developer provides tutorials on how to use the tool with Windows 7 and how to install the multitouch drivers for this operating system.
Take note that the UniSoftHID or the Windows 7 driver is not open source and hence, users interested in including this for commercial apps, should contact the developer.