Landau Damping Calculator


Calculates the wave energy density in supersonic flows, depending on the wave frequency and amplitude, phase velocity and flow velocity

Landau Damping Calculator provides a straightforward method to determine the energy density of a wave. The application is a plain calculator that requires users to enter the values of a few parameters, calculating the wave energy in an instant.
The application’s main window only includes a few fields that can be filled with the desired input. The window is not resizable and the design is visibly focused on functionality, rather than looks.
The user must enter the wave frequency, meaning the number of cycles the wave goes through in a second, as well as the wave phase speed, measures in meters per second. The wave amplitude (or, in other words, the field strength) is also required. Last but not least, the flow velocity for the fluid propagation medium is also needed (also measures in meters per second).
Once all the fields are filled, the user has to press the “Calculate wave energy” button to get the final result. The output, meaning the wave energy density, should be positive for fast waves and negative for slow waves.
Landau Damping Calculator is suitable for any fluid propagating at supersonic speed, as well as waves in a plasma generated by a charged beam.

System requirements