Lammer Context Menu

An application that enhances the context menu of your operating system, giving you several alternative options when right-clicking one or more files, or on the desktop

Wouldn't it be great if we could rename multiple files or folders at the same time? Or copy the path of a shortcut with a simple right-click? No? Well, I guess most of you dream of more important stuff.
Well, regardless if you wanted to do these things or not, they are actually possible with Lammer Context Menu. It allows you to save some time on some simple PC processes by right-clicking.

What is this?

All of you know what the context menu is, but you might not have known it is called that way. It is basically the rectangular list that appears on your PC screen when you right-click something.
The application itself isn't actually visible in your machine. After installing it, it will just add an extra submenu to your context menu. From there, you can see what other options you have when right-clicking somewhere.

What does it do?

A lot of things, actually, as it has over a dozen options for you to click on. You can use it to open a file in Command Prompt, PowerShell or Notepad, copy its contents or path, and more.
It is very useful for multiple files also. If you select more than one, you can use the option of batch renaming so you can change all their names at the same time.
Not only that, but if you want to move multiple items in a separate folder, you have an option for that as well, even if the folder doesn't exist yet. You can just input whatever folder name you want and Lammer Context Menu will either put them in an existing one, or it will create a new one for them.

Is it that good?

Well, I believe it is something more related to personal preference. It has some neat features that can help you do some things a lot easier, but the people who have been using their PCs without them until now will be able to keep doing so without a problem.