

Flexible XML framework for Java, featuring support for JAXP, DOM, SAX, XSLT, TrAX and Java Collections Framework, such as Java 2 Collections

Dedicated to software developers who prefer working with the Java Runtime Environment and Java Development Kit, dom4j is a flexible and open-source XML framework for Java that gives you the possibility to process XML code that has was implemented into software projects with XPath. Wrapped in a lightweight package, the library offers full support for JAXP, DOM, SAX, XSLT, TrAX and Java Collections Framework, such as Java 2 Collections.
Thanks to XPath integration, the tool allows you to seamlessly manage XML documents. Furthermore, because the mode of processing is based on events, dom4j features support for very big documents and XML streams. Versatile plug-and-play implementation is ensured due to the Java interface. Support for the XML Schema Data Type can also be put in motion using the Multi Schema Validator library of Kohsuke Kawaguchi.
In addition to the .jar file that comprises the dom4j library, it's possible to download the Java documentation and sources, which are two distinct files wrapped in .jar format, too. For more information on how to use this Java library, you can visit the developer's homepage. It displays documentation for parsing XML, iterators, XPath, looping, creating XML, writing to file, converting to and from string, as well as transforming with XSLT.

System requirements

316 KB
Update Date
BSD License
Created By
dom4j Team
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