CST CAD Navigator


This application allows you to visualize and convert 2D and 3D CAD data, supporting a wide range of formats, both as input and output

CAD systems and their software counterparts oftentimes carry an inherent complexity, which is kind of hard to work around, especially if you’re a beginner or someone who just seeks to preview the resulting data. There are numerous programs out there offering just viewing capabilities for CAD data, and CST CAD Navigator promises to provide users with a compact yet capable viewer, which offers fluid and intuitive handling, even for complex data.

Elegant design, which manages to incorporate all the necessary features, while still retaining a good dose of minimalism

Although not that important, design plays a role in the overall user interaction and we appreciated the well-thought design of CST CAD Navigator. Not too flashy, not too feature-stripped, it manages to provide function while still offering a good, accessible demeanor.
Working with the loaded data is intuitive, using the mouse commands and the on-screen, floating feature dock offers quick access to tools for enhancing the visualization, measuring, or more. During testing, we experienced a seamless, lag-free performance, regardless of the complexity of the loaded data.

Powerful importing and exporting, with support for an ample amount of CAD-based formats

One can consider that a strong suit of this CAD visualizer is represented by its importing and exporting capabilities, offering support for a wide range of formats, which, to be fair, is exactly what you’d want from an app with such scope.
To go with that, the included settings module offers a quite good customization, and we especially enjoyed the present categorization, which offers an easy way for one to determine where to find a particular option, saving users precious time.

Solid CAD visualizer, which packs a punch in terms of ergonomics and overall data handling capacity

As most CAD viewers, CST CAD Navigator comes with a set of standard features for working with such data, but where it excels, is the fact that it manages to provide a down-to-earth experience in handling and operating it.