1920's American Name Generator

An application that can generate common 1920\'s American names with a simple press of a button, capable of doing it for both genders

People often ask themselves lots of questions. Why do we exist? Why is the sky blue? Does the light in the refrigerator stay open after you close the door?
Some of them have simple answers, some others have more complex answers, and there are also those that only have theories.
But have you ever asked yourself how people's names looked like in the 1920s? If by any chance you have, then you can find out with 1920's American Name Generator.

Is this for real?

Well, yes. This program exists. You may ask yourself why someone even created this in the first place, but it is real.
In case there are any doubts, although it's unlikely, the program can generate American names that were more common in the 1920s. That's literally all it does.

How it works

It's one of the simplest applications ever developed. You just open it, press space and the program will generate 2 names, one male and one female.
The names appear in dropdown menus. If you click them, it will show you a long list. The ones from the left are for male and female names, and the ones from the right are for surnames.

Why would anyone want this?

To be honest, your guess is as good as mine. But it can come in handy. Probably. Maybe. I don't know.
I guess if you are writing a book, a story or something where the action takes place in the 1920s, then you could use it to find names for your characters.
Other than that, you could just get it for fun. Although I'm not sure how funny a name generator can be. It may create some silly ones that can make you laugh, I guess.
But if we can be fair for a second, the program was created for a single purpose and it works without a problem. So what else can we ask for?