Ultimate Facts - Did You Know?


Ultimate Facts app enables you to discover interesting information from various topics every day when unlocking your Android device, read detailed explanations, and create bookmarks.  Read more about Ultimate Facts - Did You Know?  

If you have ever wondered how often lightning strikes the Earth or which is the only continent with no active volcanoes, this app might be a perfect choice for you. It includes hundreds of interesting facts on a variety of topics, such as science, geography, history, health, sports, and music. A team of professional editors verifies and reviews each piece of information before it reaches the end-user. 
The mobile solution enables you to acquire new knowledge without accessing the main interface. Mention how many facts you aim to learn per day, choose the time intervals at which to get the information, and select the topics of interest. After configuring these settings, you are going to receive 5, 10, or 20 notifications every day when unlocking the Android device. 
Users may change their preferences at any time later, whether to exclude a specific topic from the list or disable reminders. They can also go beyond the short facts, read detailed explanations, and access source links to expand their knowledge even further. Moreover, the app lets them create bookmarks and share their favorite pieces of information with friends.