

StudySmarter is a tool that enables users to access a multitude of flashcards on various subjects, create personal summaries, set learning goals, and track their progress. Read more about StudySmarter  

The mobile solution targets pupils and students of all ages who want to prepare for tests or final exams efficiently. It provides access to an extensive collection of learning materials that aim to meet different requirements. Therefore, every apprentice gets the chance to search among millions of flashcards and summaries, whether they plan to expand knowledge on geography, history, biology, physics, economics, or IT.
After setting up their account and selecting a goal, users may browse through the vast database without a hitch and add to the study list any learning material that suits their interests. Furthermore, they can upload documents from their Android device or PC and then create personalized flashcards or summaries to share with others.
The app gives users the freedom to invite colleagues, compete with them during the learning effort, ask questions, and provide answers, all in one place. Besides that, it displays a variety of statistics to help each student track their progress and stay motivated until reaching their goal.