Peel Universal Smart TV Remote Control

Peel Smart Remote is exactly what it says, an application that can be used by your device as a remote control and a streaming platform. Read more about Peel Universal Smart TV Remote Control  

Users should know that your smartphone is perfectly capable of working as a remote, but the developers of Peel Smart Remote wanted to provide more than just that. That’s why the application can also act like a complete TV guide.
Peel Smart Remote can be used to control everything ranging from TV, set-top box, DVD player, Blu-ray, Roku, Apple TV and down to air conditioners and heaters. The only condition is that your phone has an infrared port for these devices.
Another strong suite of the application is the support for TV guide listings that makes used of your location and cable provider so that you get the schedule for everything. You can even place reminders so that you don’t miss a show ever again.