Calculator of number systems. Converter. Decision


Number Systems is a tool that lets users convert between decimal, binary, octal, hexadecimal, and other bases, get step-by-step explanations and perform arithmetic operations. Read more about Calculator of number systems. Converter. Decision  

The decimal system is the most frequently used numeral system across the world. Children learn from an early age to count up to 10 and perform simple arithmetic operations using that basis. Their math skills grow little by little during school. As a result, many students find out how to work with other number systems, such as binary, octal, or hexadecimal.
Converting numbers from one base to another is not that easy at first. You must follow specific algorithms and rules to get the correct results. Number Systems is a mobile solution that offers a helping hand in this regard. It lets users convert numbers between binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal, and many other bases without a hassle. It has a straightforward interface and does not require any setup after the installation.
In addition to converting numbers, users can see detailed explanations and find how to get those results step-by-step. Furthermore, they can work with a built-in calculator and compute sums, differences, products, or quotients in any base. There is also the option to change the number of characters displayed after the decimal point and switch to the dark mode for a better user experience.