is an app that lets users listen to online music along with their friends, join various communities, chat with other people, search for new songs, and create personal playlists. Read more about  

The mobile solution offers everyone a huge opportunity to discover new music. It helps you connect to a variety of communities depending on your preference, interact with people from around the world, and chat with them while listening to the same songs. You can also invite friends to join the platform and share the music listening experience with them.
The app lets users enjoy the complete set of features only after signing up for an account. In addition to a distinctive name, they are free to customize their profile with an avatar from the built-in gallery. Furthermore, they can connect to any community that captures their interest, save their favorite groups, vote for the current playing track, and grab it to one of their playlists. Likewise, users may join the DJ waitlist and play their songs in the same room once it is their turn.
Besides that, the Android tool enables you to search for music on YouTube and Soundcloud. You can also watch videos within a pop-up window, add tracks to your playlists, and then share music with other people.