L Speed


L Speed is an application that gives users all the power they need to make their mobile devices efficient. Read more about L Speed  

One of the problems with Android systems, which is common with other OSes as well, is that it slows down after being used for a very long time. It gets full of temporary files that don’t get deleted, many apps drain the battery even though they should be closed, and many other issues arise.
It’s possible to fix many of these issues with a regular application, but not all aspects of the operating system are opened to the regular users. This is where L Speed comes into play. It’s a much more powerful application because it requires root to function and it has access to many parts of the OS that are usually closed.
Users will get access to functions such as a CPU tuner, battery recalibration, kernel tweaks, kernel optimizations, IO tweaks, RAM manager, a cleaner, and much more.