

Houzz is an app that displays millions of photos and products to help you find the best solutions while building or decorating your home. Read more about Houzz  

Explore the very extensive gallery and use filters to see the most suitable pictures of home exteriors and interiors. Get lots of design ideas for a modern kitchen, a traditional dining, a rustic living room, a Victorian staircase or a contemporary bedroom.
Moreover, the software also lets you browse images by home size, location, budget, and predominant color.
Save pictures and open the “Sketch” feature to insert stickers, make annotations or add new products. Then share photos with family, friends, decorators or contractors to reveal your point of view on how the home should look.
Furthermore, the app includes a “Shop” section that enables you to search and buy a wide variety of products, from furniture and table lamps, to home and holiday decorations.
Read stories and initiate discussions in the “Advice” section to get tips for your project. Find and contact home professionals in your area, such as architects, interior decorators, landscape designers, swimming pool builders.