HEBF Optimizer


HEBF Optimizer is a powerful application that enables users to make changes directly to the operating systems and kernel in order to improve the device’s performance. Read more about HEBF Optimizer  

The first thing users need to know about HEBF Optimizer is that it requires root access because it needs to make changes to some features and functions that are not usually accessible. With the in mind, users have to decide if they want to make use of this app, which can bring about some serious improvement.
The name of the application comes from “empty heart, full battery.” It’s designed to either improve the performance of the battery by shutting down non-essential components or to increase the device’s performance.
Besides these options, the app comes with a number of other features, including an ad blocker, Fstrim, Zipalign, the Google Play drain fix, a game booster, FPS unlocker, improved scrolling, better video streaming, and much more.