Gboard - the Google Keyboard

Google Keyboard is one of the core apps in the Android ecosystem, and it’s the default keyboard that ships with the Android OS. Read more about Gboard - the Google Keyboard  

Google Keyboard is one of the most used application in Android, even if people don’t think about it. The application is accessed every time users write a message or tap on a field that requires input. It’s omnipresent, and it’s a powerful app, but it’s much more powerful than users might think.
The application also comes with swipe gestures for faster writing or voice typing. Of course, Google Keyboard also features a ton of emoji, which will work on all Android devices since they all have this app installed.
Other features include word completion suggestions to make typing even faster, the ability to learn as you type without the need to add words to the dictionary, synchronization across devices, symbol hints, one-handed mode, fast capitalization, and different layouts for different languages.