Family Shared Calendar: FamCal


FamCal is an app that lets family members organize all their activities in one place, share events, shopping lists, to-dos, and memos, write notes, and receive notifications.  Read more about Family Shared Calendar: FamCal  

It is almost impossible to remember all family birthdays, events, and tasks, no matter how strong your memory may be. For this reason, various solutions promise to help you keep track of every significant occasion and activity in a single interface, along with your life partner, children, and other relatives. FamCal is one of these tools. It brings the right features to make sure that all group members stay in touch with everything that matters to them. 
The first step you need to take after installing this app is to create an account. You must indicate a family name, send email invitations to adult members, add children, and select a different color for each person in that list to avoid any confusion. Moreover, you get the freedom to adjust various settings, whether to change the first day of the week, set a passcode, or switch to the dark mode. 
The mobile solution enables users to schedule events, build shopping lists, assign tasks to specific members, add memos, write comments, and receive notifications. It is very easy-to-use and works on Android as well as on iOS. Therefore, everyone can check the family's shared calendar at any time and stay in permanent sync with their relatives.