Enki: Learn data science, coding, tech skills


Enki is an app that helps users learn to code with Python, JavaScript, SQL, and more, improve their tech skills gradually, and track their progress. Read more about Enki: Learn data science, coding, tech skills  

The mobile solution targets not only beginners but also more experienced users who want to discover the fundamentals of coding and level up their knowledge little by little every day. It includes a variety of topics starting from computer science essentials to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Python, Linux, Java, SQL, MongoDB, and Blockchain. Users get the freedom to build multiple skills simultaneously and carry the learning process at their own pace.
The app aims to make sure that everyone receives personalized study plans and can monitor their progress effectively. Therefore, the first step you need to take after the install is to sign up for an account. Then, the software asks a series of questions to find out what your interests are and invites you to select one or multiple topics. Do not worry if your preoccupations change after a while because you can add new subjects to that list without a hitch.
The Android tool brings in a different mission every day to help users improve their abilities. Along with the valuable information, each lesson also contains a set of interactive quizzes. As a result, users get the chance to check their knowledge in real-time and find out whether they need to pay more attention to particular details.
Furthermore, they can set reminders to practice each day, track their progress, and invite friends to boost motivation.