Essential English Words. Vocabulary Builder App


English 3000 is an application that enables users to learn new words and phrases each day, read examples, hear pronunciations, and check their knowledge. Read more about Essential English Words. Vocabulary Builder App  

The mobile solution aims to be an excellent choice for beginners and advanced learners who want to expand their vocabulary and improve their English skills. It relies on a spaced repetition method to help each of them memorize new words effectively and understand how to use those terms in real-life conversations.
The human brain tends to get rid of the unnecessary details after a while and make room for new knowledge. We can slow down the forgetting curve only if we repeat that information at specific intervals. English 3000 builds on this theory and promises to help everyone keep in mind new words for a longer time.
The application encourages users to continue the learning process every day. Therefore, it enables them to set custom reminders and so get closer to their goals step-by-step. They can read plenty of examples, listen to pronunciations, and take lots of tests to consolidate knowledge.
Likewise, the Android tool lets users keep track of their progress and invite friends to share the same learning experience. However, it is worth specifying in the end that some resources are accessible only after upgrading to a premium plan.