Artecture Draw, Sketch, Paint

Artecture Draw, Sketch, Paint is an application from Samsung that gives all the right tools to people who want to make some art. Read more about Artecture Draw, Sketch, Paint  

The good news about Artecture Draw, Sketch, Paint is that it will work on other devices, not just on Samsung, and to make it even better the app is completely free. It features over 30 unique, high-quality, realistic tools, and the can be further customized to the liking of the user.
The application is capable or performing tasks that range from taking notes to fast architectural sketches, cartoons, illustrations, watercolor and oil paintings. Tools in Artecture Draw, Sketch, Paint include Pencil (for realistic sketches), Marker Pen, Oil Brush, Oil Blend brush, Oil real brush, Water Color, Airbrush, Palette Knife (with color mixing), Paint Roller, Paint Tube, Eraser, Flood Fill, Glitter Tube, Far brush, Gradient Brush, Fill Pattern for Every Tool, and much more.