

Calculate advanced math expressions involving calculus and elementary functions, trigonometry, matrices, differential equations, expression simplification, and more

Yacas (Yet Another Computer Algebra System) is a free and open-source command-line tool capable of calculating advanced algebraic expressions in an intuitive language similar to C. In addition to Windows, it offers support for Linux and Mac OS X computers.
The Yacas syntax can be examined on the developer's website by typing ?? in the console window after launching the program. It features support for arithmetic and other number-related operators, including addition, multiplication, subtraction, division, negation, and exponentiation.

Supports a wide range of math expressions

Furthermore, the tool can determine divisors, remainders, greatest common divisors, least common multiples, as well as binary shift operators and numerical approximation of expressions.
You can convert numbers from non-decimal to decimal base as well as floating point numbers to fractions, perform continued fraction expansions, get the decimal representation of rationals along with the minimum and maximum of a number of values, and round numbers downwards, upwards or to the nearest integer.
Yet Another Computer Algebra System also has support for calculus and elementary functions (like trigonometrical operators, logarithms, matrices and a random number generator), expression simplification (e.g. nested radicals), solvers (symbolic and numeric), differential equations, propositional logic theorem prover, linear algebra, polynomial and list operations, associative maps, and so on.

Advanced scientific calculator in a command-line interface

The syntax documentation is accompanied by examples to give you a better idea of how Yet Another Computer Algebra System works. They can also be called in the console window by typing Example().
The software application had minimal impact on computer performance in our tests, using few system resources. It performed calculations fast and didn't cause any stability issues to the operating system.
Thanks to its wide range of supported mathematical functions and operators, Yacas should be especially useful to math students as well as teachers looking for a comprehensive scientific calculator.