VOVSOFT - Disk Benchmark


A benckmarking utility designed to test and assess the performance of your hard disks, revealing the speed of a drive\'s rotation

Whether you want to get information about the health of your hard disks or check their specifications match, a benchmarking tool can do the trick. As its name implies, VOVSOFT - Disk Benchmark provides a means of assessing the performance of hard disks by running a benchmark test to find a drive's rotation speed.

Simple benchmarking tool for hard disks and SSDs

In an attempt to keep things as simple as possible, VOVSOFT - Disk Benchmark features a minimalistic interface that only allows you to select the drive you want to analyze from a dropdown list and start the test with the click of a button. The application can test local hard disk drives and SSDs.
The progress bar shows you an estimate of the remaining time. It usually doesn't take long before the result of the benchmark test is shown on the screen, in a separate window. The rotation speed is revealed in MB/s, without you having the possibility to change the unit or copy the number to the clipboard. Aside from the elapsed time to run the test, no other information is available.

Short comparison with other similar tools

Unlike other utilities in the same category, VOVSOFT - Disk Benchmark has a limited feature set. It only shows the rotation speed of the selected drive, without revealing, even at a minimalistic mode, a performance graph or records concerning the burst speed.
Additionally, it would have been great to have it read other relevant indicators that can be correlated with the drive speed, such as the CPU and RAM usage, or averages of the read speed and the access time. Furthermore, there is no information regarding the sizes of the used blocks.

A benchmarking tool that requires lots of improvements

VOVSOFT - Disk Benchmark assesses a drive's speed, but its feature set is quite disappointing. A reliable benchmarking tool should display a more detailed report that can be then compared to the results other users obtained, considering a similar hardware configuration. Overall, the application requires lots of improvements to reach the performance of its competition.