
Ensure that your USB drives are well structured, with this formatting tool that maximizes compatibility for mediums such as smart TVs or other environments

Using USB drives for various purposes can take users down the “necessity lane” real quick, especially when hitting the interoperability issues that might arise when wanting to connect them to a particular digital device. Formatting the USB dives accordingly can help avoid such issues, and this is exactly what TV USB Go will do. It will allow users to prepare their USB drives for a wide range of applications, such as SmartTV usage.

Minimalist, single-layout interface, which keeps clutter at a minimum and offers an intelligible setup

Simplicity is well emphasized in TV USB Go, which relies on a single-layout interface that one can use in order to better define the characteristics of the connected USB drive. And yes, the formatting can be done to individual drives only.
Although not such a major gripe, having the ability to prepare several USB drives simultaneously, through batch processing, can increase the efficiency when, for instance, you have multiple devices that will receive the drives.

Select one of the numerous supported TVs, a preferred media type, as well as the file system and cluster size

Looking at the actual functionality offered through the app’s feature collection, it is fair to say that users have plenty of options concerning the USB preparing and formatting process. One will be able to select a preferred TV from the comprehensive list, coupled with the intended media type.
Furthermore, multiple file systems are available, together with cluster sizes and formatting options, such as those for running quick formats, scanning for errors, performing data wipes, and many more.

Useful tool for those who wish to prepare their USB drives for SmartTV usage, through a highly customizable formatting process

TV USB Go ticks most boxes for a dedicated solution for those who need to format their USB drives in order for them to function properly when used in conjuncture with devices such as SmartTVs.