2020 (9.2.764.0)

TrueCAD is a 2D & 3D CAD software meant for Engineers and Architects to design models by using all of the latest tools technology can provide

Programs that belong to the CAD (Computer Aided Design) genre have generally been used by students, architects, and general users alike for some time now, as they increase working speeds with 2D and 3D models tenfold.
The problem is that given the genre's importance and their potential to generate revenue, all manner of alternatives have begun to appear over the Internet, and it becomes difficult to separate the good ones from the bad ones.
One good example of a "good one" would be TrueCAD, an extremely comprehensive CAD tool that can be used by users of almost all experience levels.

All the tools you ever needed and though you didn't need

TrueCAD stays true to its name and offers a wide variety of tools, being on the level of other professional-level software alternatives. You have all the features you may ever need to create big and complex designs, both in 2D and 3D. More so, the program can be used in conjunction with many other CAD tools, or at least be used to open the files they produce, as it offers support to plenty of formats, including DWG, DWF, Dwt, DGN, WMF, SVG, ACIS and much much more.

Not a program suited for first-time users

We'll admit that TrueCAD does not necessarily fall into the "easy-to-use" category as easy as other tools, especially if it is your first CAD program ever used, but if you do have experience, then you'll find the UI to be quite familiar.
All buttons, tabs and menus are pretty much where you'd expect them to be, following the typical "professional CAD tool's layout."

Not just 2D and 3D designs anymore

TrueCAD shines with its ability to generate content not typically seen in other CAD software, such as the ability to create tables. There is a provision to import an external CSV to table and to export CAD table data to an external CSV file. This table is fully compatible with tables in other CAD software. All the typical operation's you'd expect in a word or spreadsheet editor are present here as well, such as cell merging, column or row insertion or deletion, conditional formatting and more.

Print and PDF management

Other additional features include the ability to open any existing vector PDF file directly and edit the entities just like a normal CAD drawing, as adding the PDF files is done simply by dragging and dropping over TrueCAD's UI.
Once you're finished, you can export your drawings in a variety of formats, and can even be used to batch convert several drawings of various formats.
TrueCAD has its own printing sub-menu where you can easily micro-manage all aspects of your designs before actually printing them on paper.

A good professional CAD tool

At first glance, TrueCAD appears to be the ideal CAD tool that anyone can use, probably the only one you may ever need. It offers all the tools you may expect from a CAD tool, along with plenty of others, making this tool not only a complete package as far as CAD tools go, but also a good replacement for other auxiliary programs you may usually use alongside a regular CAD program.
497 MB
Update Date
2020 (9.2.764.0)
Created By
Actcad Engineering Solutions
Related software CAD