

Perform benchmarking for command-line programs with this specialized app that deploys high-precision timers and iterative testing

Benchmarking apps via the Command Line can provide multiple advantages, especially when wanting to run the tests for several programs, iteratively. Offering a more advanced alternative to the Windows “time” CLI command, TimedExec was designed in order to offer users a tool for testing the execution time for other apps.
Users will be able to input specific command-line arguments, and the app will execute the selected programs using the said arguments. The execution time is measured using high-resolution performance timers, iteratively. This is done because of multiple reasons, but the most obvious one is the occurrence of variability in the execution of programs, such as that from environmental noise.
One will be able to fine-tune the iteration process, with as many passes as preferred, but the ability to run a “warm-up” pass prior to the actual execution is also provided, in order to allow for the prevention of caching effects from interference with the execution times themselves.
The application runs on a series of pre-defined commands and using a specific syntax, users can append arguments, in order to customize the testing experience to their requirements. Additionally, the behavior of the app can also be adjusted via environmental variables.