Temperature calculator

A simple and portable software utility that can be used to determine the proper temperatures for mixing liquids, which comes in handy particularly for home brewers and chemists

The Temperature calculator or, in short, TempCalc, is a simple and lightweight application designed to help home brewers create the perfect combination inside their laboratory. Of course, it can also be used by any other chemist or scientist who wants to determine the proper temperature for mixing liquids, based on a predefined volume and temperature values.
Temperature calculator is portable and it does not require installation, so it ready to go as soon as you launch it. It displays a small window where all the values are displayed, starting with the hot water temperature and volume (in litres), the cold tap water temperature and the target temperature that the user wants to reach. This temperature must be perfect, cold enough so as not to alter the yeast and warm enough to facilitate the fermentation of the brewing extract. The calculator determines the volume of cold water that must be added to the mix to obtain the target temperature.
Temperature calculator can be pinned on the desktop, so as to stay on top of all the other opened windows. The application uses both he metric and the USA system. Users can easily switch between them via the drop-down menu within the main window.

System requirements